Map your purpose
and change the world
Calling all social entrepreneurs and innovative nonprofit leaders, artists and activists, the dreamers and doers, the thinkers, the visionary changemakers, creators and catalysts!
Close your eyes.
Inhale… Exhale…
Imagine a better you. Imagine a better world.
Now open your eyes. We’re here to help you realize it.
An intimate retreat in an inspiring setting to open your mind, body, and heart to fresh possibilities.
Join Amy Soucy and Scott Tillitt for a unique, profound way to map your purpose and envision your future by combining mindfulness practices with strategic visioning exercises and community building.
We’ll move, we’ll play, we’ll envision and connect through a transformative day of:
- yoga and meditation
- visioning exercises and mapping
- mindful nature walk
- supportive group discussions and sharing
Everyone's talking about purpose these days. Everyone tells you that you need to find yours — for your own sake and for that of humanity's.
As changemakers, especially, we need to not only continually stimulate our creativity, we need to keep our hearts open to remember whom and what we’re fighting for. That's purpose.
There is a growing proliferation of books and articles and workshops with various approaches promising to help you find yours. One approach is visioning, a vogue-ish high-level process used in business, urban planning, nonprofits... anywhere where thinking strategically about future direction is helpful.
We’ll use it for our own creative, entrepreneurial, world-changing endeavors, whatever they may be. To help create a clear picture of life goals and deepest dreams, personally and professionally.
Stay and explore Beacon in the verdant Hudson Valley. We’ll provide lodging options and suggestions of things to do. Spring's glorious renewal should be starting to bloom.
These workshops gather creative changemakers of all stripes: social entrepreneurs, activists, nonprofit leaders, organizers, artists, educators and anyone willing to stand in the fires of change in order to create a better way for themselves and a better world for others.
“Scott is a fabulous facilitator of entrepreneurial social change. Together with Amy they lead an embodied heart-led workshop that will transform your business. Highly recommended!”
10:15 am / arrival
10:30 am / welcome + introductions
11:00 am / yoga asana
11:45 am / meditation + free write
++ break ++
12:30 pm / visioning exercises
1:30 pm / lunch
2:45 pm / mindful nature walk
3:30 pm / partner + group shares
4:00 pm / vision mapping
++ break ++
5:15 pm / sharing circle + closing meditation
* schedule subject to change
“This was exactly what I needed, and gave me some great tools with which to work both during the workshop and to take home. Both Amy and Scott created a wonderful setting and energy that fostered an amazing mental-space for dreaming and visioning.”
$150 / General
$125 / BEAHIVE members and other partners, and bring-a-friend rate ($125 for ea)
returning visioneers: $100
* lunch, coffee/tea, snacks, and supplies provided
Space is limited to 15 participants
Amy Soucy
Resonant Heart Yoga
Amy is a NYC and Hudson Valley-based singer-songwriter, yogi, movement junkie and devout student of creativity and the mind-body connection.
Committed to offering accessible and transformative wellness experiences, Amy's teaching is grounded in 15+ years of mindfulness practice, extensive training in a range of methods and modalities (Anusara and Integral yoga, Feldenkrais, functional movement, Vipassana) and a performing arts background.
She brings her extensive skills to a diverse array of students in a variety of settings: from studios to schools, colleges to corporate offices, and public parks to private homes.
As an educator and advocate for youth, Amy has collaborated with an array of schools and community-based organizations to create yoga and mindfulness classes for children, wellness programs for teens, and professional development workshops for teachers. She is proud to be a staff teacher with Lineage Project, sharing mindfulness practices with incarcerated and vulnerable youth throughout NYC, helping them manage stress, cultivate compassion, and find alternatives to violence.
She also facilitates movement and mindfulness experiences for group events and conferences — including the New Museum's NEW INC (at Garrison Institute), TEDxLongDock and Social Venture Institute / Hudson Valley (at Omega Institute) — and leads annual yoga retreats in the Hudson Valley and internationally.
Her award-winning evocative songs explore the kaleidoscope of human experience (dreams, longing, forgiveness and healing) and she sings them in a voice that’s been called “powerful,” “comforting,” and “angelic.”
Scott Tillitt
Antidote Collective
At times — often at the same time — throughout his 20-plus year career Scott has been a strategist, publicist, marketer, social entrepreneur, nonprofit leader, community catalyst and writer.
He has a broad perspective working in various culture-shaping (and sometimes suffocating) worlds — advertising, media, interactive design, photography, technology, television and fashion — before applying his corporate skills to social impact
He’s followed his bliss for years and has used visioning exercises to help bring clarity to his own path and others.
Some years ago, catalyzed by 9/11 and an ongoing process of spiritual and social awakening, he broke the trance of an increasingly cynical consumer culture and started working towards positive, impactful change. He has an insatiable interest in transforming failed systems, in big ideas and the behaviors that drive people, what resonates with them, and how to engage them. Basically, he aims to ignite the mind, tickle the emotions, and stir the soul of his fellow humans.
He has since worked with dozens of innovative nonprofits, foundations, citizen groups, social entrepreneurs and thinkers at the intersection of intersection of progressive issues, culture & community, media, socially responsible business and big ideas. He's also been involved in various projects and community engagements focused on making the Hudson Valley a more vibrant, sustainable, locally-rooted and human-scale place to live and work.
Scott has a solid, longstanding meditation practice, which keeps him centered and positive and his mind agile and creative (relatively speaking).
“Truly was a transformational day.”